July/August 2006
More than a decade after the first museum web sites went online, a new revolution is sweeping the Internet. Driven by inexpensive and easy-to-use technologies, the phenomenon some call “Web 2.0″ is allowing users of popular sites like Blogger, Flickr, and Wikipedia to participate actively in creating their own web experiences. It’s time for science centers to get on board. In this issue, we examine how web-based tools like blogs, podcasts, wikis, discussion forums, RSS feeds, RFID tagging, and collaborative games are helping are helping ASTC members and others to deepen and extend relationships with and among visitors and provide professional development for staff.
• Museums and the New Web: The Promise of Social Technologies, by Jim Spadaccini
• Building Science Buzz: Open Source Opens Doors, by Bryan Kennedy and Liza Pryor
• RedShiftNow: Ontario’s Online ‘Agent of Change’, Kevin von Appen
• Tech Tags: Extending the Visitor Experience at the Tech Museum of Innovation, by Lisa M. Granger
• Connecting Learning Communities: An Evolving Role for ASTC, by Geoff Crane
• WDIL: A Community Web Site for Interactive Web Design, by Wendy Pollock
• Social Technology Resources
Download part 1 of this issue.
Download part 2 of this issue.